Wednesday, July 25, 2007

One queue does it all?

Amongst the promises being made by Gordon Brown in the Commons this lunctime was a unified customs and passport check - what does that actually mean? That the same official will search through your dirty panties as checks your photo, or just that the people who do the two jobs will be from the same agency? And does that mean the Immigration Department will have to merge with the Customs & Revenue, or will Customs be split off from the tax people again? It's not entirely clear.

But we're sure everything will be carefully thought through before any sweeping changes are made. We're sure of that. Absolutely certain.

Border and immigration and customs and UK visa staff will all be turned into one uniformed border police, Mr Brown says, adding a bit of flesh on to the bone of his proposals: "one single uniformed presence" at ports and borders.

That can be implemented "very quickly", he goes on.

But if they're wearing the same uniform, but employed by different departments, how will that actually work?

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